Are you using the pandemic as an excuse to not get in shape this year too? Don't worry, it is not just you. Most of the people are neglecting their health and bodies in 2020.


Well, Valya is not one of them!

Meet Valya and her progress for only one month of quarantine - locked at home!

Who is Valya?

👉Valya is an extremely busy person - and even busier since the beginning of the quarantine

👉Mother of 2

👉Still breastfeeds!🤱 (❗)

👉A person who HATES feeling hunger more than anything;

👉Has a little experience in various sports, but now decides to try home workout and this is how we started training online!

Valya is a great example of what happens when you devote yourself to the process, put in the work, and wait patiently. And I am not even talking about the amazing recomposition that she achieved in just one month. She managed to achieve much more than that - she is stronger, more confident, her clothes fit better, and most importantly, she is more knowledgeable about food and nutrition.

What did we do?

📌When I became her online trainer, she said that she doesn't care about the number on the scale - she has always looked good, she was never 'fat', she just didn't feel tight. She wanted to become more fit.

Just in the first one month, Valya lost 1.5kg of fat and 1-3 cm of her body tape measurements.


💪She was on a small calorie deficit - she was consuming an average of 1550kcal per day. She said that the past one month has been eye-opening about how calorie-dense some foods are. For example, she always thought that all soups are very 'diet-friendly', or that she will lose weight if she eats more healthy foods (turns out that is not completely true - there are MANY healthy foods that have more calories than chocolate, for example);

💪She was doing resistance training at home, 2-3 times per week, late at night, after the kids have gone to bed;

💪Valya was also a participant in a challenge that I organized for my clients at the begging of the quarantine. The goal of the challenge was to get up and move every hour during working hours. The idea was to keep ourselves a little more active and pain-free during the lockdown.

Many people would make excuses if they were in her place. They would say "I will get in shape when the pandemic is over", or "I will start dieting after I stop breastfeeding", or "it is IMPOSSIBLE to workout at home while the kids are here!"

Valya turned a situation, that most people use as an excuse, in her favor. Dear reader, there will always be something that will stop you from getting in shape. Time will pass no matter if you work on your goals or 'wait for the right moment'.