
Julia was one of the most dedicated people that I've had the chance to work with.

🤱Julie is a mother of two amazing kids and was still breastfeeding when we started working together.

She started training with me a little less than 3 months after she gave birth. She saw one of my client's transformations on her Facebook newsfeed.

When we started,
👉Julie was a complete beginner at the gym. She did not know if it is the right thing for her;
👉She has gained 15 kg after her second pregnancy and she wanted to lose them;
👉She felt pain in her feet, and it was especially prominent during any type of sports - and she was not sure if this pain won't hold her back from her gym training too;
👉She has tried all types of rigid fad diets, and, of course, she did not find any success with them, since they are usually quite restrictive and very difficult to follow;
👉She was completely dedicated to getting into her best self, but she expected that it would take much longer.

Julie back

What did we achieve for 3 months?
💪She went from 39% body fat down to 22%, measured with a skinfold caliper;
💪She went from 74.5kg to 64.0 (the total amount of weight that she lost is 14kg - she started at 79kg, but our 'before' photo is from a little later!);
💪She gained a significant amount of muscle mass;
💪The pain in the feet disappeared completely;
💪She started loving the gym and it quickly became a part of her life!

Julie still breastfed - after 3 months on a calorie deficit. She lost 14kg while breastfeeding without it affecting the quality and the amount of milk. She was consuming a minimum of 1500 kcal during most days. Her baby was gaining weight as expected. But now, her children had a mother that can run after them, play with them, bend over and pick them up much more often and pain-free! ⛹‍♀

Impressive strength achievements for the past 3 months:
🏋‍♂ Hip thrust - from 48kg to 72 for 10 reps
🏋‍♂ Wall sit - from 30 sec with no additional weight, to 1 min with 10 added kg
🏋‍♂ Dumbbell bench press - from 7kg to 12.65kg for 10 reps!

Dear Julie, it has been a huge pleasure for me to work with you, and thank you so much for the trust!