
Look at THIS BACK!

Elisse became my online client during the quarantine.

Well, life often throws adventures at us - like for example a home renovation, with two small children during quarantine, like in her case 😵🤣

However, her strength and dedication prevailed and she was well in the process of obtaining better health and looks, even during these stressful times.

In no time at all, Elisse managed to learn so many things about nutrition and health, and most of which were a completely new concept for her! The most important thing is, she learned how much food her body needs and how to make adequate food choices intuitively so she can maintain what she has achieved forever.🥦🍅🥝

Elisse is a mother of two small kids and I am sure that all the daily activities and chasing after them are much easier with 10kg less!

And apparently she is a great role model for her sister, who also managed to lose 6 kg during that period by following Elisse’s steps.
I am very proud of you both!